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Remote Sensing and Artificial Intelligence for Wildlife Preservation – A Survey

Westview High School

San Diego, CA, USA


In the face of accelerating habitat destruction and species extinction, the combination of remote sensing and artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a powerful tool for wildlife preservation. This dynamic duo offers unparalleled capabilities for monitoring ecosystems, identifying endangered species, tracking wildlife populations, and mitigating human-wildlife conflicts. By harnessing the potential of remote sensing and AI, conservationists can make informed decisions and implement targeted interventions to safeguard our precious biodiversity for generations to come.

1. Remote Sensing for Ecosystem Monitoring:

Remote sensing, which involves gathering information about the Earth's surface using sensors aboard satellites or aircraft, provides a comprehensive and systematic view of our planet's ecosystems. It enables conservationists to monitor land use changes, deforestation, and habitat fragmentation over large spatial scales. By analyzing remote sensing data, AI algorithms can detect alterations in vegetation patterns, identify illegal logging activities, assess the health of ecosystems, and monitor the impact of climate change on habitats. This real-time monitoring helps prioritize areas for intervention, facilitating swift action to protect critical habitats, restore degraded areas, and minimize environmental degradation.

2. Species Identification and Tracking:

AI-powered image recognition algorithms are being used to identify and track wildlife species, even in vast and remote areas. Remote sensing technologies, such as camera traps and drones, capture images and videos, which are then analyzed by AI systems. These algorithms can accurately classify species, count populations, and track individual animals' movements. This information is invaluable for understanding species distributions, identifying endangered or invasive species, and designing effective conservation strategies. Additionally, remote sensing data combined with AI can aid in monitoring migratory patterns, detecting changes in breeding grounds or nesting sites, and assessing the impact of human activities on wildlife behavior.

3. Managing Human-Wildlife Conflicts:

Human-wildlife conflicts pose a significant threat to both wildlife and human communities. However, remote sensing combined with AI can assist in managing these conflicts. By analyzing satellite imagery and using machine learning algorithms, conservationists can map the movement patterns of wildlife and predict their interactions with human settlements. This knowledge allows for the implementation of early warning systems, guiding the development of effective mitigation measures to reduce conflicts. For example, by identifying hotspots where human-wildlife interactions are likely to occur, proactive measures can be taken, such as building fences, implementing sound deterrents, or creating wildlife corridors to redirect animal movements away from human settlements. Furthermore, remote sensing data can help assess the effectiveness of these measures and facilitate adaptive management strategies.

Concluding Remarks:

The integration of remote sensing and AI presents an unprecedented opportunity to revolutionize wildlife preservation efforts. By providing accurate and timely information about ecosystems, species identification, wildlife tracking, and human-wildlife conflicts, this powerful combination enables conservationists to make informed decisions and implement targeted interventions. By harnessing the potential of remote sensing and AI, we can proactively protect and preserve our precious biodiversity, ensuring a sustainable future for both wildlife and humanity.

(Above by Juliet J. Lee)

Juliet J. Lee,

Founding President

Wildlife Preservation Awareness Club,

Westview High School,

San Diego, CA, USA

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